Saturday, November 3, 2007

For Vostroya!

My CoD frenzy continues! This time in the form of my Vostroyan army! Far from being your usual 'guard variety, I plan on designing the whole army specifically for Cities of Death (to accompany my terrain). "What?!" I hear you say? "You never take a shooty army into Cities of Death ('especially the 'guard)!"
"True enough" I reply, but I like a challenge! Movies like Enemy at the Gates and Saving Private Ryan have inspired me to throw my lot in with the common infantry trooper, slogging his way through the blood, sweat and mud as he works to clear that next building, not knowing if his next breath will be the last as he turns 'round the corner...

Fortunately for my lowly infantrymen, I'm also painting up some armor! Lots of nasty flame-spewing armor to be specific. My plan for success is to load up with as much template-laying death as possible. Combined with small sacrificial units (remnant squads) and a sh*tload of plasma guns I should be able to shoot up enough of the enemy (while feeding him cheap units). I'm hoping a few demolishers with Siege Shells will also help. You can check out the armor and the rest of the Vostroyan Gallery here:

1 comment:

Colonel Marbi Chora said...

Looking good! Good to see another Guard Commander who puts his faith in the common soldier!